Symptom checkers and AI-powered assessments for preliminary health assessments. Access to a library of health information and articles
Online therapy sessions with licensed therapists. Access to mental health resources and support groups
Easily book appointments with doctors and specialists within the platform. Receive appointment reminders and notifications.
Partner with pharmacies for convenient delivery of medications to patients' homes.
Video/audio/chat consultations with doctors across various specialties. Receive diagnoses, treatment plans, and prescriptions.
Online courses and workshops on topics like nutrition, exercise, stress management, and disease prevention. Access to personalized wellness plans.
Call: +234 903 123 4567
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Call: +234 802 123 4567
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Call: +234 802 345 6789
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Call: +234 802 456 7890
Call: +234 701 456 7890
Call: +234 903 456 7890
Call: +234 813 456 7890
Call: +234 803 456 7890
Call: +234 803 123 4567
Call: +234 809 123 4567
Call: +234 701 123 4567
Call: +234 802 123 4567
Call: +234 803 234 5678
Call: +234 809 234 5678
Call: +234 701 234 5678
Call: +234 802 234 5678
Call: +234 803 345 6789
Call: +234 809 345 6789
Call: +234 802 345 6789
Call: +234 701 345 6789
Call: +234 903 456 7890
Call: +234 813 456 7890
Call: +234 803 456 7890
Call: +234 809 456 7890
Call: +234 802 567 8901
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Call: +234 803 567 8901
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